2012년 12월 30일 일요일

[December] Looking Ahead to AIDS-Free Generation

Joe DeCapua, Looking Ahead to AIDS-Free Generation , Voice of America, December 28, 2012 , web. ,30 Dec. 2012 http://www.voanews.com/content/hiv-2012-28dec12/1573790.html

In 2012, there was an AIDS-Free Generation conference that many politics and top health officials attended. Mrs Clinton said the AIDS itself can not be curable, but the diseases that it causes need to be prevented. Mitchell Warren, head of the AIDS advocacy group AVAC, said that bold speeches must be followed by bold actions. I also think that with the continuous research on other diseases,  effective treatment, male circumcision, eliminating stigma and discrimination and preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV, it is possible to make AIDS-Free Generation ! I hope it would hapen and hope the longer term solution also would be created in the future.

[December] How to cure a hangover: Tips for surviving New Year's Day

KARL DE VRIES, How to cure a hangover: Tips for surviving New Year's Day , Newdays, December 30, 2012 , web. , 30 Dec. 2012

As I already did the Asparagus presentation, I really like to drink a lot. It is literally the end of the year of 2012 and this article is about  several steps you can take to try to make it through the day.
DRINK WATER- drink as much as you can, not to be dehydrated 

CHOW DOWN ON EGGS, BANANAS- pounding potassium into your body will replace a much-needed compound

HELP YOURSELF TO SOME FRUCTOSE-it will burning the toxins of alchole

REPLACE LOST ELECTROLYTES-a noncaffeinated sports drink or coconut water can help rehydrate you

HAIR OF THE DOG-a hair of the dog that bit you the night before can sort of help with a hangover

PILLS-not a good thing for someone who's already punished their internal organs the night before.

ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE?-Mayo lists B vitamins, vitamin C, evening primrose oil, milk thistle and globe artichoke as several remedies are helpful

GO TO SLEEP - the solution !!

I usually do just drinking water and go to sleep.
Anyway, be careful guys and happy new year!

[December] Graphic anti-smoking ad launched

an Editor from BBC, Graphic anti-smoking ad launched , BBC, December 28, 2012 , web. , 30 Dec. 2012 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-20805059

The BBC said that , on the cigarette ads , there will be tumour growing scene with smoker. Many people do not know what the risk from smoking cigarette. I saw what could happen smoking it. My uncle passed away because of lung cancer caused by smoking, two days ago, and he suffered really bad. My parents came over from Busan to Seoul, but my father couldn't see his little brother's last face. I couldn't help just crying when I saw family members crying. I think the ad should be more serious, so that all people can see how badly it would possibly be.

[December] Comet coming in 2013 could be brighter than the moon

an writerr from , Comet coming in 2013 could be brighter than the moon, MSN now, December 30, 2012 , web. , 30 Dec. 2012 http://now.msn.com/comet-ison-could-be-brighter-than-the-moon-in-2013

The comet ISON could be the brightest if it passes sun not close enough to be disintegrated. The reporter said it could be brighter even than the full moon. Emphasis on 'Could be'. The moment of truth comes when ISON zaps past the sun in late 2013. I hope I can see this with my bare eyes. It has been tough days this year. I wish I could forget everything behind and start over. Sucks that it happens in late 2013 !!

[December] Stress-Free New Year's Eve: 13 Things Not To Worry About

an Editor from Huff Post, Stress-Free New Year's Eve: 13 Things Not To Worry About, Huff Post, December 30, 2012 , web. , 30 Dec. 2012

2013 is right around the corner and I am sure that some might worry how they are going to spend the moment, the New Years day. Many people typically stock of themselves at New Year's and can easily fall short of their expectations. Thus, the writer is asking that "with our already over-scheduled lives, why would we want the first moments of the new year to be filled anxiety and impossible-to-meet expectations?". She rounded up  13 things that aren't worth stressing about this New Year's Eve. I really like the having no one to  kiss at midnight part. It's better than having the wrong person !!

[December] 2012 Taught Apple How To Say Sorry

Sarah Kessler, 2012 Taught Apple How To Say Sorry , Huff Post, December 30, 2012 , web. , 30 Dec. 2012 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/30/2012-taught-apple-how-to-_n_2382770.html

As iPhone users and other smart phone users know, Apple tried to provide their new map application based on icloud and it apperently failed. It wasn't just as good as Google Maps. Google invested hundreds of millions of dollars in satellite work, airplane work, drive-by work, to get the maps accurate. Apple CEO Tim Cook acknowledged his mistake in public apology letter, and recommend using competitor map products while Apple gets its own up to par. This apology not only calm the uproar, but it demonstrated a kinder, a humbler Apple. I am not a big fan of Apple's products, but what they did was quite impressive and make me expect the progressed version of the map app.

[December] China Passes Law Requiring People Identify Selves Online

Lulu Yilun Chen , China Passes Law Requiring People Identify Selves Online , Bloomberg, December 29, 2012 , web. , 30 Dec. 2012http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-12-28/china-passes-rules-requiring-people-identify-themselves-online.html

 China passed rules requiring people to identify themselves when signing up for Internet and phone services. The reporter said that the Communist Party wants to control their people. They proposed to use the ID card and claimed the importance of the rights. I think it is very good move since China has the largest population and the Internet users. I think alsoKorea needs to aware that what is happening on SNS these days, and make some rules for the rights (can't violate other's rights).

[December] New Photos Of The Next BlackBerry With Keyboard Have Leaked

Dylan Love , New Photos Of The Next BlackBerry With Keyboard Have Leaked , Business Insider, December 30, 2012 , web. , 30 Dec. 2012http://www.businessinsider.com/blackberry-n-series-photos-2012-12

Some blurry photos of what appeared to be the new BlackBerry N-series phone has been leaked last week. Lanching event is on the January 30th. I have some friends who still use blackberry. I do not know why because I've never used it or tried to use it, but it seems it has some merits that I am not aware of. I wonder how long this actual keypad Blackberry is going to be in the market among the smart phones.

[December] Subway's App Future Arrives for Some

PERVAIZ SHALLWANI and TED MANN , Subway's App Future Arrives for Some , The Wall Street Journal, December 28, 2012 , web. , 30 Dec. 2012

The smartphone application released Friday morning by the MTA(Metropolitan Transportation Authority) remains primitive and limited. It provides train arrival data on the No.1 through 6 lines and the 42nd Street Shuttle. The train arriving time gaps ranged from a few seconds to a full minute. I think it is a big step for NYC subway system. It is a huge train system and old at the same time. I hope I could use this app when I visit NYC again.

[December] Fifth victim of Russia plane crash dies

The Associated Press, Fifth victim of Russia plane crash dies, CBS News, December 30, 2012, web. , 30 Dec. 2012http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-202_162-57561267/fifth-victim-of-russia-plane-crash-dies/

Another bad new about plane crash. The Tu-204 belonging to Russian airline Red Wings was carrying eight people five of them are dead, an official said. It went partly into an adjacent highway, broke into pieces and caught fire.I'm so sorry that it happened, and took lives. I'm little worried because I am going to go to the U.S in this winter and I am taking United Airline. I did not have enough money to get Korean or Asiana Airline. I hope it is okay and no plane problem.

[December] AP photo essay: Ex-Soviet immigrants change Israel

The Associated Press, AP photo essay: Ex-Soviet immigrants change Israel , UT San Diego ,  Dec. 30, 2012, web. , 30 Dec. 2012http://www.utsandiego.com/news/2012/dec/30/ap-photo-essay-ex-soviet-immigrants-change-israel/

Did you know that about 8 million Russian speaking people live in Israel? They are immigrants from the former Soviet Union about 20 years ago. They keep their own life styles in many ways around sea of Cyrillic. Some Israeli think those people have some problems, but today, the Russion-speaking emigres and their children occupy virtyally every corner of Israeli society. I never knew that their were people who's not Jew or from different country. I'm not saying it is a good thing, but it's still interesting those people are getting along among Jewish people.

[December] Cain Velasquez gets revenge, looks near-invincible in thorough beatdown of Junior dos Santos

Kevin Iole, Cain Velasquez gets revenge, FoxNews.com,  Dec 30, 2012, web. , 30 Dec. 2012

Junior dos Santos and Cain Velasquez grapple during their fight. (AP)

I'm a huge fan of UFC, and heavyweight division is the most interesting event that fans all around the world are looking forward to. Yesterday, there were heavyweight title match with Can Velasquez vs. Junior dos Santos. They had a fight last year on November. At that time Cain lost his title to JDS. I didn't expect that but it happened. After a year, as a challenger, the Cardio Cain has pounded JDS for whole 5 rounds and finally he got his title back. Now I can expect for more intersting games with Alistair Overeem and hopefully with Jon bones Jones the light-heavyweight champion. I'm going to learn the MMA for real. No jokes.
It was great fight. Go Can Velasquez!

2012년 12월 27일 목요일

[December] I'm sorry that your Facebook photo was shared publicly, Randi Zuckerberg – but it's your brother's fault

Willard Foxton, I'm sorry that your Facebook photo was shared publicly, Randi Zuckerberg – but it's your brother's fault , The Telegraph, December 27, 2012 , web. , 27 Dec. 2012

This picture is a Twit that Randi Zuckerberg who is Mark Zukerberg's sister about the photo leaked from Facebook. She said it is not the matter of privacy settings, but it is about human decency. I do agree that It is not a good idea to upload a photo that is other's. However, I see some problems on Facebook settings. They do have vague privacy setting rules that if it is set on extreme set, then it might be shown to others in some way. Also, the editor claims that it is hard to delete an account because Facebook wants to keep the information of each users. I totally agree with that the privacy setting should be changed. I'm not sure about the keeping information thing, but still little bit suspicious. What I may have wanted to share as a 19-year-old student , I may not want to have seen as a 24-year-old accountant. There are some fatal defects and some action should be taken.

[December] Rihanna and Chris Brown Spend Christmas Courtside

a writer from BET.com,  Rihanna and Chris Brown Spend Christmas Courtside , BET.com , 12/26/2012 , web. , 27 Dec. 2012 http://www.bet.com/news/music/2012/12/26/rihanna-and-chris-brown-spend-christmas-courtside.html

The celebrity row at a Los Angeles Lakers game has always gotten people's attention. On this Christmas day, used to be a hot pop-star couple , Chris Brown and Rihanna showed up at Staples Center on Lakers vs. Knicks game. They used to be a couple, since 2005 when they were teenagers, before Chris Brown brutally beat Rihanna and made her face bruised. I do not know whether they got back together or not, but they seem friendly on the courtside. People are wondering what happend to Karrueche Tran who were supposed to be with Chris Brown now. Reporter said that CB and Rih Rih (Rihana) spent time together at Jay-Z concert and on Thanksgiving. I chose this article because I am a huge fan of Chris Brown and I also like Rihanna's songs. It is obvious that CB did the wrong thing to Rih Rih, but as long as Rih Rih is happy with him, I want to wish they are happy together or stay as a friend at least.

[December] Asparagus: The cure for hangovers?

an Editor from UPI, Asparagus: The cure for hangovers?, FoxNews.com, December 27, 2012 , web. , 27 Dec. 2012 http://www.foxnews.com/health/2012/12/27/asparagus-cure-for-hangovers/

Since it is end of the year, I think this article is very helpful for me and you guys especially who like to drink a lot. According to this article, asparagus may help cure unwanted hangovers. Asparagus is a vegetable which is used in many kinds of food like sushi and stuff, and it contains certain amino acids and minerals, which can protect the liver cells from toxins. By taking asparagus you can relieve the unpleasant hangover and side effects such as nausea and fatigue. Another thing that is interesting is that this research has been foun by people of a study from the Institute of Medical Science and Jeju National University in South Korea. Good to see the article about some scientific result which is found in Korea on Foxnews!!