1. 'Fearless Felix' dives from the stratosphere, breaks the sound barrier

Can you believe that A human break the speed of sound on purpose? An Austrian skydiver , Felix Baumgartner, went up in a capsule with special balloon that can stand the low pressure, cold temperature and the speed at the height of nearly 39 kilometers in the air. He jumped with no hesitaion and reached the speed of 1,342.8 kilometers per hour, shattering the sound barrier. I'm just shocked that a person really tried skydiving nearly in the space with space suit. I've always admired people who challenge themselves to what normal people do not even imagine. It's new year and it's my last year as a I'm junior, and I have lots of things that I wanted to try but failed to start like dancing and going for a trip with no money etc. After I finish this winter semester, I am going to plan the things that I wanted to try and challenge to accomplish them for real.

A reporter from RT. 'Fearless Felix' dives from the stratosphere, breaks the sound barrier . RT, 14 October, 2012. Web. 8 January 2013.

2. Asian fans cheer 'Linsanity'

Jeremy Lin tosses a basketball during a promotional event in Hong Kong.
Any basketball fan would know the word 'Linsanity' ! It's made by fans after Asian-American NBA player Jeremy Lin made the huge impression in New York Knicks last year. He has been traded to Houston Rockets and this article is about Lin visited Hong Kong during off-season. With his incredible success in NBA, lots of asian fans are inspired by Lin that Asian could aslo be a player among the giants NBA players. Though I'm a big fan of NBA league supporting Miami Heat, I admire what he is performing now and I've always dreamed that one of Korean players could play in NBA and became world famous star. Besides, Jeremy Lin went to Harvard and he could be a lawyer! Isn't it jsut amazing? I also like to play basketball and all kinds of other ball-related sports. That's why I joined two sports clubs in University and did not care about my grades, but now I see how Linsanity did on his studying and basketball career and I will do my best in my last year in University.

Madison Park. Asian fans cheer 'Linsanity'. CNN, August 24, 2012 . Web. 8 January 2013.

3. Sandy Raises Questions About Climate And The Future

Taxis sit in a flooded lot in Hoboken, N.J., after Hurricane Sandy caused massive flooding across much of the Atlantic Seaboard.

There was superstorm hurricane Sandy on late October hit the east coast espcially New York city. It shut down of all the cellphoens, internet, electric powers and the tranportation, also it took more than 250 people's lives and caused demages of $65.6 billion (2012 USD). In this article, climate scientist Radly Horton said that it's because that the planet countinues to warm and the ocean temperatures are going up. He suggested some perspectives that ice melting can change the jet stream and effect the warmer air around the north pole. I'm very sorry that this tregidy happened in the U.S. I'm concerning that this will be happening again around the hurricane seasons, and because of the warming air, the side effect must be more severe. I hope specialists get together and prevent the next possible horrible digaster.

A reporter from NPR. Sandy Raises Questions About Climate And The Future . NPR,

4.  Korea National Team ranked 5th in London Olympics 2012

Last summer in London, proud Korean National Team ranked 5th place with 13 Gold medals, 8 Silver medals and 7 Bronze medals. I want to say thanks for all the athletes who devoted themselves fight for my country. I still remember how exciting and tense the games were. I wish I were in the national team as a sprinter competing with Usain Bolt. It's really important that athletes get the good results in national games, because, in that way, people around the world would know and get more interests about S.Korea. Go South Korea !

Hyeyoung 올림픽 종합 5위, 시작은 미약했으나 끝은 창대하리라 '사상 최고 순위' . 한경닷컴, August 13, 2012. Web. 8 January 2013.

5. Gangnam Style hits one billion views on YouTube

YouTube screenshot
1,000,000,000 !!!!
PSY's Gangnam Style hit and passed 1billion views on Youtube, and it is just incredible. I check out Youtube everyday watching music videos, viral videos and various famous Youtuber's channel, and none of them hit billion views. Actually, if one video hits more than 10million, it is watched by many people. I'm so proud of PSY that he didn't make the English version. I knew the Korean version is more catchy when foriegner are listening. I really like PSY and I've been to his concert many times. I do support him and I hope he comes with really great songs and hit the Youtube and the world again like he always do.
 A reporter from BBC. Gangnam Style hits one billion views on YouTube . BBC, . Web. 8 January 2013.
6. Amanda Todd: Memorial for teenage cyberbullying victim
Memorial for Amanda Todd

I heard the Amanda Todd youtube video few months ago, and it was so sad that there is still bullying in school and even in the cyberspace. She killed herself five weeks after she uploaded the video of decribing years of bullying. Shocking thing is that students around her bullied even after she changed her school several times. It had been done through the internet. It is so said young kid killed herself after the video of asking for help. It is also a serious problem in Korea, and people should care about bullied children and should think that what if it happens to their own child. No more bullying!

 A reporter from BBC. Amanda Todd: Memorial for teenage cyberbullying victim . BBC, 17 October 2012 . Web. 8 January 2013.
7. Whitney Houston, A 'Perfect Instrument,' Dies

Pop diva Whitney Houston was found dead in her Beverly Hills hotel room on the eve of the 54th Grammy Awards.
The Greatest Diva Whiteny Houston died in earily 2012. People around the world was depressed and shocked that they've lost one of the greatest singer in this era. The article is about short story of her music and life. Many women singers said they were inpired by Whitey Houston and they tributed in Grammy. I'm also said that she is gone forever. I have no doubt of calling her 'the perfect instrument'. Rest in peace Whitney Houston.

 Karen Grigsby Bates. Whitney Houston, A 'Perfect Instrument,' Dies. NPR,
8. Invisible Children's Kony campaign gets support of ICC prosecutor

LRA rebel leader Joseph Kony. File photo
Have you watched the KONY 2012 Video? It's about a campaign to get people's attention on what is happening in Central Africa. I knew about it months ago, and I think it is pretty cool. The person in the picture above is Joseph Kony and he control the Central Africa with his military called LRA(Lord's Resistance Army). He keep expending his territoris and murdering people. The fact that makes me freak out is he made children to kill their parents and to be a soldier for him. This video hit more than 96 million views on Youtube, and it made quite success in getting people's attention. They've got support from ICC(International Criminal Court) and the president of the United States sent the troop to take down Kony, but still he has madaged to evade. I want to focus on the idea of getting people's attention. Jason Russell who is a director of this video did quite a great job on sending a message of 'Where you live shouldn't determine whether you live' and he actually made people some movement. Also, I could see the power that one little voice can change people's mind, and the way he did with his Invisible Children inc. is impressive. There still are many critics who are suspicious about, but now I have a faith that small voice can move people and be a power in this world by this KONY 2012 video.
Anna Holligan. Invisible Children's Kony campaign gets support of ICC prosecutor . BBC, . Web. 8 January 2013.
9. Apple and Samsung make final cases to jury in patent trial

<photo from  >

Many around the world are now using smartphones. Samsung and Apple are two main smartphone manufacturing company and they are having a huge court fight for their patent. Apple is saying that they made the round edge smartphone first and it confuses customer because Samsung immitated it. Also this patent is really important for American patent law. In Samsung's defence, they are saying they are just inspired by TV, and It should be seen as a competition for the market. Apple asked $ 2.5 billion for the patent against fee. It's ridiculously too much money. I'm not a anti-patent-idea guy, and I do know the importance of the copyrights or the patents, but you can't just ban the company of selling. My point of view, this fight is not just Apple versus Samsung. It's more like Apple wants to occupy the majority of the smartphone market. It may cause some good side of diversity on products, but cutting off the competitor isn't a good idea. I worked at Samsung as an intern this semester and there is a small part of my mind that I want Apple to lose. We'll see what happens.

Heather Kelly. Apple and Samsung make final cases to jury in patent trial. CNN, August 22, 2012. Web. 8 January 2013.
10. Newtown shooting: Gun lobby defiant as US remembers

26 kids are dead by shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School last month. The funerals have been held throughout the week, and Connecticut Governor has asked people to join the moment of silence, and churches in many other states also rang their bells 26 times. Chief executive of the NRA(National Rifle Association), Wayne LaPierre said that The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. I'm just shocked that he said that. It is not the only thing. It should be more like second or third idea. I agree that like they say the good guy such as police guy should be armed with guns, but I think banning the gun possesion should be the first idea. President Barack Obama also indicated that his administration will look for ways to tighten gun laws in the wake of the attack. I hope this tragic gun shooting never happens again.
A reporter from BBC. Newtown shooting: Gun lobby defiant as US remembers. BBC, . Web. 8 January 2013
11. Usain Bolt wins 200m to make Olympic athletics history

Usain Bolt
He did it again!
With no doubt, Usain Bolt won three medals in London Olympics like he did in Beijing. Not only he has the world record in 100m, 200m and 4x100m relay, but also he is aiming 4 medals in next Olympics. Many experts were suspicious that his condition wasn't good enough, so he might loose to Yohan Blake, but he just won like piece of cake. I know asian can't run so fast ,but I used to be a sprinter when I was in high school, so I'm crazy about watching the sprint games. I hope he gets the tie record of winning four medals in track game. I can't wait to see the next 100m Olympics and what's his career will be.

 Olly Foster. Usain Bolt wins 200m to make Olympic athletics history. BBC, 10 August 2012. Web. 8 January 2013.
12. Ryu Hyun-jin signs with Dodgers

Pitcher Ryu Hyun-jin is flanked by agent Scott Boras, right, and Boras' South Korea representative Al Chung during a news conference in Newport Beach last month.

Amazing left hander, Korean pitcher Hyun-jin Ryu signed with L.A Dodgers. The deal is worth $36 million over six years. It was actually believable that he had the contract with Dodgers, but I didn't expect that with that amount of money. An interesting part that people do not usually know is that he excluded the minor option, which a player can be sent by team if the player is not playing well, and that has never existed to a player in Dodgers. Even Zack Greinke has that option. I'm so proud of him playing in 'the Dream' major league. I will go to see his game if it is possible this year, and I already have the L.A Dodgers hat. I hope he plays well and break the record that Chanho Park did and makes more good impression of Korean player so that other Korean leaguer can go to MLB too.

Dylan Hernandez,  Ryu Hyun-jin signs with Dodgers. Los Angeles Times, 09 December 2012 . Web. 8 January 2013.

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