2012년 12월 30일 일요일

[December] How to cure a hangover: Tips for surviving New Year's Day

KARL DE VRIES, How to cure a hangover: Tips for surviving New Year's Day , Newdays, December 30, 2012 , web. , 30 Dec. 2012

As I already did the Asparagus presentation, I really like to drink a lot. It is literally the end of the year of 2012 and this article is about  several steps you can take to try to make it through the day.
DRINK WATER- drink as much as you can, not to be dehydrated 

CHOW DOWN ON EGGS, BANANAS- pounding potassium into your body will replace a much-needed compound

HELP YOURSELF TO SOME FRUCTOSE-it will burning the toxins of alchole

REPLACE LOST ELECTROLYTES-a noncaffeinated sports drink or coconut water can help rehydrate you

HAIR OF THE DOG-a hair of the dog that bit you the night before can sort of help with a hangover

PILLS-not a good thing for someone who's already punished their internal organs the night before.

ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE?-Mayo lists B vitamins, vitamin C, evening primrose oil, milk thistle and globe artichoke as several remedies are helpful

GO TO SLEEP - the solution !!

I usually do just drinking water and go to sleep.
Anyway, be careful guys and happy new year!

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