2012년 12월 30일 일요일

[December] 2012 Taught Apple How To Say Sorry

Sarah Kessler, 2012 Taught Apple How To Say Sorry , Huff Post, December 30, 2012 , web. , 30 Dec. 2012 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/30/2012-taught-apple-how-to-_n_2382770.html

As iPhone users and other smart phone users know, Apple tried to provide their new map application based on icloud and it apperently failed. It wasn't just as good as Google Maps. Google invested hundreds of millions of dollars in satellite work, airplane work, drive-by work, to get the maps accurate. Apple CEO Tim Cook acknowledged his mistake in public apology letter, and recommend using competitor map products while Apple gets its own up to par. This apology not only calm the uproar, but it demonstrated a kinder, a humbler Apple. I am not a big fan of Apple's products, but what they did was quite impressive and make me expect the progressed version of the map app.

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