Final Essay

  New Year’s resolutions always have been a big deal for most people, and no one wants to start their new year without any plans. Last year was quite hard for me spending time on studying and doing an internship for 4 months. Not only the year 2012, most of my university years, I spent my time on drinking and playing sports. I do not regret about what I spent time for, but I think it is time to focus on developing different things for me. Since it is my last year in university, I am going to improve myself in three ways; getting confident personality, maintaining healthy condition, and caring about others.
  First, I will try to change my shy personality to be more confident especially in front of others. I have always hard time whenever I had to have a presentation. I felt really nervous when I was presenting in English in the Current Event class. Luckily I found Dong-wook’s article that is about a shy boy became a party planner, and I decided to change my shyness either. The guy overcame his weakness and made his dream come true. I need to be changed for my future career too. I will join the presentation club to get more chance to be in front of people and to talk to them. It will help my interview which is in this year.
  Secondly, I will try not to smoke again to keep my healthy condition. I lost my uncle this year because of his lung cancer, and it was so sad for me and my family. A person is more likely to have chance of getting lung cancer if one of his/her family member has it, and lung cancer is usually found at its last stage. From what I saw in Taegon’s article, government is trying to expand more smoke-free street, so I think it is great chance for me to quit forever. I quit smoking since last September continuing this year so far. I feel more freshness and I will quit it for my health.
  Last, I will try to help other people to make our society warmer. I’ve always care about myself, and thought about my own good. As I grow older, I feel ashamed of myself not caring about others. After I heard Chul-soo’s presentation, I was so impressed that he donates money monthly for helping kids in other countries with his allowance. I did not think of helping other country’s people, but now I will look up some cites to help people around me. It is not going to be just one time or short time things, instead, I will make it as a weekly or monthly volunteer work.
  It’s my last year in university, and thanks many internet lectures, I have enough time to improve myself in some ways. 2013 will be the year of success in being more confident, maintaining health by quit smoking, and caring about others. I am sure that I can accomplish these three new year’s resolutions

From Dong-wook’s blog  - From shy boy to party planner (From THE KOREA TIMES)

From Taegon’s blog  - Korean Government will increase non-smoking streets

From Cheol-soo’s blog  -  What Does 'Power' Look Like

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