2012년 12월 30일 일요일

[December] Stress-Free New Year's Eve: 13 Things Not To Worry About

an Editor from Huff Post, Stress-Free New Year's Eve: 13 Things Not To Worry About, Huff Post, December 30, 2012 , web. , 30 Dec. 2012

2013 is right around the corner and I am sure that some might worry how they are going to spend the moment, the New Years day. Many people typically stock of themselves at New Year's and can easily fall short of their expectations. Thus, the writer is asking that "with our already over-scheduled lives, why would we want the first moments of the new year to be filled anxiety and impossible-to-meet expectations?". She rounded up  13 things that aren't worth stressing about this New Year's Eve. I really like the having no one to  kiss at midnight part. It's better than having the wrong person !!

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