2012년 12월 27일 목요일

[December] Asparagus: The cure for hangovers?

an Editor from UPI, Asparagus: The cure for hangovers?, FoxNews.com, December 27, 2012 , web. , 27 Dec. 2012 http://www.foxnews.com/health/2012/12/27/asparagus-cure-for-hangovers/

Since it is end of the year, I think this article is very helpful for me and you guys especially who like to drink a lot. According to this article, asparagus may help cure unwanted hangovers. Asparagus is a vegetable which is used in many kinds of food like sushi and stuff, and it contains certain amino acids and minerals, which can protect the liver cells from toxins. By taking asparagus you can relieve the unpleasant hangover and side effects such as nausea and fatigue. Another thing that is interesting is that this research has been foun by people of a study from the Institute of Medical Science and Jeju National University in South Korea. Good to see the article about some scientific result which is found in Korea on Foxnews!!

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