2012년 12월 30일 일요일

[December] Graphic anti-smoking ad launched

an Editor from BBC, Graphic anti-smoking ad launched , BBC, December 28, 2012 , web. , 30 Dec. 2012 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-20805059

The BBC said that , on the cigarette ads , there will be tumour growing scene with smoker. Many people do not know what the risk from smoking cigarette. I saw what could happen smoking it. My uncle passed away because of lung cancer caused by smoking, two days ago, and he suffered really bad. My parents came over from Busan to Seoul, but my father couldn't see his little brother's last face. I couldn't help just crying when I saw family members crying. I think the ad should be more serious, so that all people can see how badly it would possibly be.

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