2013년 1월 14일 월요일

[January] China's one-child policy impact analysed

Rebecca Morelle. China's one-child policy impact analysed . BBC , 10 January 2013 . Web. 13 January 2013.

One child

An Interesting research has been done by an Australian team that they compared people who were born just before the one-child policy to those who were born after. They found that people who were born after the one-child policy were significantly less trusting and  less likely to take risks and less competitive than those who were born before the policy. Other Experts from Oxford said it might not be solely down to the policy. I also do not totally agree with that. I think it is not because of the policy, but it's the environment. Single child in any country can be selfish and less risk taking and so on. Also This study has been conducted for 421 adults and there could be a lot of other people who are not like the researchers said. Though the conclusion is not trustworthy enough, it would be good data when China change their policy on one-child birth.

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