2013년 1월 8일 화요일

[Good Bye 2012] Invisible Children's Kony campaign gets support of ICC prosecutor

LRA rebel leader Joseph Kony. File photo

Have you watched the KONY 2012 Video? It's about a campaign to get people's attention on what is happening in Central Africa. I knew about it months ago, and I think it is pretty cool. The person in the picture above is Joseph Kony and he control the Central Africa with his military called LRA(Lord's Resistance Army). He keep expending his territoris and murdering people. The fact that makes me freak out is he made children to kill their parents and to be a soldier for him. This video hit more than 96 million views on Youtube, and it made quite success in getting people's attention. They've got support from ICC(International Criminal Court) and the president of the United States sent the troop to take down Kony, but still he has madaged to evade. I want to focus on the idea of getting people's attention. Jason Russell who is a director of this video did quite a great job on sending a message of 'Where you live shouldn't determine whether you live' and he actually made people some movement. Also, I could see the power that one little voice can change people's mind, and the way he did with his Invisible Children inc. is impressive. There still are many critics who are suspicious about, but now I have a faith that small voice can move people and be a power in this world by this KONY 2012 video.
Anna Holligan. Invisible Children's Kony campaign gets support of ICC prosecutor . BBC, . Web. 8 January 2013.

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