2013년 1월 8일 화요일

[Good Bye 2012] Superstorm Sandy: Before, During And Beyond


Taxis sit in a flooded lot in Hoboken, N.J., after Hurricane Sandy caused massive flooding across much of the Atlantic Seaboard.

There was superstorm hurricane Sandy on late October hit the east coast espcially New York city. It shut down of all the cellphoens, internet, electric powers and the tranportation, also it took more than 250 people's lives and caused demages of $65.6 billion (2012 USD). In this article, climate scientist Radly Horton said that it's because that the planet countinues to warm and the ocean temperatures are going up. He suggested some perspectives that ice melting can change the jet stream and effect the warmer air around the north pole. I'm very sorry that this tregidy happened in the U.S. I'm concerning that this will be happening again around the hurricane seasons, and because of the warming air, the side effect must be more severe. I hope specialists get together and prevent the next possible horrible digaster.

A reporter from NPR. Sandy Raises Questions About Climate And The Future . NPR,

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