2013년 1월 14일 월요일

[January] What's up with the $1 trillion coin?

Leigh Ann Caldwell. What's up with the $1 trillion coin?. CBSnews , 11 January 2013 . Web. 13 January 2013.

 American Eagle platinum proof coin

When I first saw this article, I thought it very curious, and it was not about economical issues. This $1 trillion coin idea is from  a Georgia lawyer called Beowulf in the comments section of an economics blog, and the economists said it is possible but stupid. The proposal is to evade the default, by minting coin from the Treasury Department, and declare it worth $1 trillion, deposit it in the Federal Reserve and then use the money to pay its bills when it hits the debt ceiling. It was hard for me to understand the whole article, but I do get the idea of $1 trillion coin, and it is not going to happen. I wish I had that coin or half-worth coin though.

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