2013년 1월 8일 화요일

[Good Bye 2012] Korea National Team ranked 5th in London Olympics 2012


Last summer in London, proud Korean National Team ranked 5th place with 13 Gold medals, 8 Silver medals and 7 Bronze medals. I want to say thanks for all the athletes who devoted themselves fight for my country. I still remember how exciting and tense the games were. I wish I were in the national team as a sprinter competing with Usain Bolt. It's really important that athletes get the good results in national games, because, in that way, people around the world would know and get more interests about S.Korea. Go South Korea !

Hyeyoung Yoon.한국 올림픽 종합 5위, 시작은 미약했으나 끝은 창대하리라 '사상 최고 순위' . 한경닷컴, August 13, 2012. Web. 8 January 2013.

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