2013년 1월 12일 토요일

[Prediction for 2013] ‘Laws of the Jungle 3′ beats out ‘KBS Music Festival’ and ‘Birth of a Great Star’ in viewer ratings by a large margin

3.  Entertainment : Kim Byung-man will win the 'Grand prize' in SBS entertainments award.


It is time for Byung-man Kim to get the 'Grand prize' in entertainments award. He has been nominated for the grand prize in KBS by performing "Expert" in Gag Concert untill 2009. He moved to SBS starting new show named "Laws of the Jungle", and it is totally different in format and in stories than other shows and it is hot. It is already season 3 now, and people are super excited about it. Among the show, especailly for the reality show, friday is like a hell to get high rate of views. However, Laws of the Jungle beats out other TV programs and they are the first place in rate of view. He did a great job in Gag Concert, but it seemed hard to win the grand prize as a comedian which it was won by MCs. Nevertheless, he did not give up and started a new show not as a comedian but as a MC. I'm a big fan of the show that he is performing, and it seems a right time to give him the prize regards on his effort and challenge. I'm sure he is going to win the grand prize in SBS entertainment award this year.

A writer of AllKop news,  ‘Laws of the Jungle 3′ beats out ‘KBS Music Festival’ and ‘Birth of a Great Star’ in viewer ratings by a large margin. AllKpop, 29 December 2012 . Web. 12 January 2013.

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