2013년 1월 8일 화요일

[Good Bye 2012] 'Fearless Felix' dives from the stratosphere, breaks the sound barrier


Can you believe that A human break the speed of sound on purpose? An Austrian skydiver , Felix Baumgartner, went up in a capsule with special balloon that can stand the low pressure, cold temperature and the speed at the height of nearly 39 kilometers in the air. He jumped with no hesitaion and reached the speed of 1,342.8 kilometers per hour, shattering the sound barrier. I'm just shocked that a person really tried skydiving nearly in the space with space suit. I've always admired people who challenge themselves to what normal people do not even imagine. It's new year and it's my last year as a I'm junior, and I have lots of things that I wanted to try but failed to start like dancing and going for a trip with no money etc. After I finish this winter semester, I am going to plan the things that I wanted to try and challenge to accomplish them for real.

A reporter from RT. 'Fearless Felix' dives from the stratosphere, breaks the sound barrier . RT, 14 October, 2012. Web. 8 January 2013.

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