2013년 1월 8일 화요일

[Good Bye 2012] Newtown shooting: Gun lobby defiant as US remembers


26 kids are dead by shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School last month. The funerals have been held throughout the week, and Connecticut Governor has asked people to join the moment of silence, and churches in many other states also rang their bells 26 times. Chief executive of the NRA(National Rifle Association), Wayne LaPierre said that The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. I'm just shocked that he said that. It is not the only thing. It should be more like second or third idea. I agree that like they say the good guy such as police guy should be armed with guns, but I think banning the gun possesion should be the first idea. President Barack Obama also indicated that his administration will look for ways to tighten gun laws in the wake of the attack. I hope this tragic gun shooting never happens again.
A reporter from BBC. Newtown shooting: Gun lobby defiant as US remembers. BBC, . Web. 8 January 2013.

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