2013년 1월 12일 토요일

[Prediction for 2013] Park GeunHye said Death Sentence Should Be Needed for Sex Offenders

1.  Society : Punishment for sex offenders will be more severe

<Source of photo - http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=100&oid=001&aid=0005944821>

I think punishment for sex offenders will be more severe this year. There were too many bad and sad things happened in 2012, and it seems the worst year to me when you see the sexual crimes. Especially rape targeting little kid occured a lot and I couldn't just believe those are still happening even though all mass media broadcast and talk about it. I think it is because the laws against these sexsual criminals are not afaid enough. Unlike other countries (U.S.A, Japen, China etc) South Korea laws have no extreme punishment like death sentence and life imprisonment. S.Korea actually has those two, but laws are based on the belief of human's rehabilitation,so S.Korea does not actually execute those two sentences. However, now, first chemical castration was sentenced for the Naju city rapist case, and the rapist got the death sentence(verbally). Furthermore, Park Geun Hye said in movie conference, before she became the next president, she emphsized that death sentence should be needed for sex offenders. Since she became the first woman president, I'm expecting more extreme sentence for the sex offenders.

Dong-Hwan Kim,  Park GeunHye said Death Sentence Should Be Needed for Sex Offenders. Ohmynews, 11 December 2012 . Web. 12 January 2013.

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