2013년 1월 14일 월요일

[January] California could be next oil boom state

Steve Hargreaves. California could be next oil boom state. CNN , 14 January 2013 . Web. 14 January 2013.

I think God must have blessed Amrica. Now they have North Dakota's Bakken, Texas's Eagle Frod, and California's Monterey Shale! According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the Monterey is thought to hold over 400 billion barrels of oil. Some parts are allowed to get the gas or oil, but the way to take the oil from the shale rock is still problem. Plus, there's air pollution, road congestion and other issues that go along with an oil boom. I don't think California regulators and people who live in Cali would not let that happen. I can't believe they have plenty of oil in ther own land. I often reminisce about driving my car in the states. The oil price too expensive in Korea, so I can think of getting a fast fancy sports car. I hope Korea could find oil in the east sea are in the future!

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